What is Access to Work?

Access to Work

Access to Work is a UK government programme designed to help people with disabilities or health conditions start or stay in work. It provides practical and financial support to overcome work-related obstacles resulting from disability. The programme aims to ensure that disabled individuals have the same opportunities to be successful in the workplace as their non-disabled counterparts.

Key Features of Access to Work:


  • Available to individuals with a physical or mental health condition or disability that affects their ability to work.
  • Applicants must be aged 16 or over and either in a paid job, self-employed, or about to start a job or work trial.
  • The support is also available for apprenticeships and internships.

Types of Support:

  • Specialist Equipment: Providing tools and equipment that make it easier for disabled employees to do their job.
  • Adaptations to the Workplace: Modifying the physical work environment to make it more accessible.
  • Travel Support: Assistance with travel to and from work, including taxi fares if public transport is not accessible.
  • Support Workers: Funding for personal assistance or a job coach to help with specific tasks or aspects of the job.
  • Mental Health Support: Providing tailored mental health support to manage conditions and stay in work.

Application Process:

  • Applications can be made online or over the phone through the Access to Work website.
  • An assessment may be conducted to determine the specific needs and appropriate support.
  • Once approved, the funding is provided directly to the employer or the service provider.

Employer Responsibilities:

  • Employers may need to contribute towards the cost of the support, particularly for larger organisations.
  • They must also cooperate with the adjustments recommended by Access to Work to ensure the employee can work effectively.


  • For Employees: Provides the necessary resources to perform their job effectively and maintain employment.
  • For Employers: Helps to create an inclusive workplace, improves employee retention, and ensures compliance with disability legislation.

Access to Work is a crucial initiative for promoting inclusivity and supporting disabled individuals in the workforce. It helps remove barriers to employment and ensures that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential at work.

How to Use Your Access to Work Support via Creased Puddle

Did you know you can use the coaching part of your grant with Creased Puddle coaching services? Follow these instructions.

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